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Kenn Nesbit’s poem, My Robot’s Misbehaving, comes from his book of children’s poetry, My Hippo Has the Hiccups (Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, 2009).
Scryf is a robot that writes poetry in the sand. (In Dutch.)
By poet Robert Pinsky, see Death and the Powers: A Robot Pageant.
Robotics Poetry is a great middle-school-level project that combines robots and poetry.


Pixar’s animated film Wall-E features possibly the most appealing robot ever, a garbage-collecting bot left behind on an abandoned earth so buried in trash that life is no longer sustainable. Then Wall-E finds a growing plant – which alerts EVE, a reconnaissance robot with electric-blue eyes. Rated G.
Robots (2005) is an animated film set in a world of robots, starring Rodney Copperbottom, brilliant inventor, who sets off to the big city to try to make the world a better place. Rated PG.
In The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), a visiting alien and his all-powerful robot, Got, have come to compel humans to live in peace – or else be destroyed as a danger to other civilizations. Important phrase to know: Klaatu barada nikto. Trust me. Rated G.

There’s a 2008 remake rated PG-13 with a scarier robot.

Transformers! There are toys, cartoons, and a 2007 movie, Transformers. Rated PG-13. Plus sequels.
Robot & Frank (2012), starring Frank Langella, set in the near future, is the story of an ex-jewel thief whose son gives him a robot caretaker. The two develop an unlikely friendship. A wonderful thought-provoking film. Rated PG-13.